Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The following are general guidelines to maximize the effectiveness of the music.


To wash away stress, try taking a 20-minute "sound bath." Put some relaxing music on your stereo, then lie in a comfortable position on a couch or on the floor near the speakers. For a deeper experience, you can wear headphones to focus your attention and to avoid distraction.


Choose music with a slow rhythm - slower than the natural heart beat which is about 72 beats per minute. Music that has repeating or cyclical pattern is found to be effective in most people.


As the music plays, allow it to wash over you, rinsing off the stress from the day. Focus on your breathing, letting it deepen, slow and become regular. Concentrate on the silence between the notes in the music; this keeps you from analyzing the music and makes relaxation more complete.


If you need a stimulation after a day of work, go for a faster music rather than slow calming music.


When going gets tough, go for a music you are familiar with - such as a childhood favorite or favorite oldies. Familiarity often breeds calmness.


Take walks with your favorite music playing on the walkman. Inhale and exhale in tune with the music. Let the music takes you. This is a great stress reliever by combining exercise (brisk walk), imagery and music.


Listening to the sounds of nature, such as ocean waves or the calm of a deep forest, can reduce stress. Try taking a 15- to 20-minute walk if you're near the seashore or a quiet patch of woods. If not, you can buy tapes of these sounds in many music stores.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

MUSIC THERAPY - " For - Brain, Body & Soul "

MUSIC THERAPY - " For - Brain, Body & Soul "

Music has frequently been used as a therapeutic agent from the ancient times. Music is a kind of yoga system through the medium of sonorous sound, which acts upon the human organism and awakens and develops their proper functions to extent of self-realisation. This is the ultimate goal of Hindu Philosophy and religion. Melody is the key-note of Indian Music. The 'Raga' is the basis of melody. Various 'Ragas', have been found to be very effective in curing many diseases .

How Music Helps ?

Music helps in the treatment of actual diseases in the following manners :-

1. One obvious use of music is that of a sedative. It can replace the administration of tranquillizers , or at least reduce the dosage of tranquillizers.

2. Music increases the metabolic activities within the human body. It accelerates the respiration , influence the internal secretion, improves the muscular activities and as such affects the "Central Nervous System " and Circulatory System of the listener and the performer.

When we use term Music Therapy , we think world -wide system of therapy. Literature of Vocal part of Indian Classical Music is not sufficient in that case . I apply the formula of three ' Ps ' -

i] Perfect Time , - It includes duraton , span , interval and time to play the music .
ii] Perfect Direction - It includes posture and cnditions to listen the music.
iii] Perfect Force - It includes Tone , Timber , sound quality and volume of Medicative Music .
iv] remember the three categaries of p atients i.e.
v] Music Learned , ii] Music Lovers , iii] Non-Musical


Music Therapist of
Dr.Bhaskar Khandekar